We Were Liars by E. Lockhart was probably the biggest YA book of 2014 (we’re not lying about that).
Now the lies are back and juicier than ever in the deluxe edition, featuring a new look and lots of exclusive content.
This list of 11 extras will not disappoint. BONUS: we included some sneak peeks at the new content!
1. The New Cover
Ooooh, that sunset orange looks GOOD on you. And it’s sparkly. Just saying.

2. Original hand-drawn map
We don’t want to give away ALL our secrets, but here is a sneak peek at the original map of Beechwood Island that E. Lockhart drew while writing the story.

3. Original family tree
We want to know everything there is to know about the Sinclair family and now we get the original hand-drawn family tree and diagram of the family houses on the island. Interest piqued.

4. Notes from Gat to Cady
This brand-new section is set during one week when Cady returns to the island —and she is shocked to find letters from Gat. Oh, Gat and Cady, how you torture us with your tragic love notes. This postscript should give you an idea of how much you need these notes in your life:

5. Lockhart’s original book proposal and title
It wasn’t always WE WERE LIARS?! Gimme. We love getting insight into the publishing process, and E. Lockhart puts it all out in the open by showing us her original proposal to her editor. A lot changed by the time it was published, but the core of the story was there from the start.

6. Sinclair family recipes
We’d all love to live the luxurious life of the Sinclair family, if even just for one night, and now we can, thanks to the dinner menu and recipes in the book. Smoked salmon spread and fresh warm baguettes, here we come.

7. Where the nickname “Liars” came from
Cady, Gat, Nigel, and Mirren call themselves The Liars, but we never knew why. Until now. This background story also gives us a more in-depth look into their childhoods. Yassss.

9. Book club guide
Since people are still lying about what happens at the end, you’ll probably want to talk about it with your friends while you read it. Conveniently, the new edition includes discussion questions for your book club.

10. Signed first printing!
This is the clincher, people. Every copy of the first printing is SIGNED by E. Lockhart. But that’s not all. Somewhere out there are 20 copies that she signed with a green marker. If you find one of these golden tickets, we want to see it! Take a pic and brag by tagging us @GetUnderlined.

11. Excerpt from Genuine Fraud
And last, the new edition includes an excerpt from E. Lockhart’s next novel, Genuine Fraud—the story of a young woman who might be even more dark and twisty than Cadence.