Sometimes you just read a book and instantly feel seen, as if the book had been written specifically for you. Kathleen Glasgow’s books are like that. They’re gut-wrenching reads that delve deep into your soul and let you know you aren’t alone. But don’t take our word for it. Read through these reader reactions to Kathleen Glasgow’s books and hear how they’ve felt seen. Then maybe grab a box of tissues and dive into the Kathleen Glasgow Three-Book Boxed Set to experience these heartbreaking stories for yourself.
Reader Reactions to Kathleen Glasgow’s Girl in Pieces
I think one of the many factors that inspired me to stay clean was this book. I related to the character so much and her experience was so painful, but beautiful.
I understand how Charlie feels and it’s nice to know that I can relate to a character in certain ways. Whether you have physical scars or mental scars, they can affect you in many ways and even if they’re visible or not, people can still be suffering inside.
Sadly I was able to relate to Charlie a lot. Some of the things she mentioned in this book are stuff I never really knew how to put in words. This book was a little triggering for me, but it was not enough for me to stop reading it. It’s a beautiful story of how to figure out life with depression and all the other demons that can haunt us.
I felt each single emotion Charlie lived, well, not as intense as she did, or as someone else in the same situation, but it did affect me . . . I wanted her to be good, I need her to get better, that way, I can feel like, there is hope, like girls with scars do belong here . . . I don't have physical scars, but mental ones :( so I really thank the author for this work, for making me see things through Charlie's eyes, to know how really hard it is to get stuck in that loop of shame and pain, but . . . never giving up, getting the right support, the right friends may help.
. . . this book genuinely did feel like a call out to myself in so many ways (lmao) just when I thought I finished sobbing with the book itself, the author's note absolutely broke me. In general I really liked the way self harm was represented throughout this novel especially since I, myself, have struggled with it for an absurdly long time. The way it is described sums it up perfectly and it did help me understand myself more in one way or the other. I really wish more people understood people like me,
Charlie, and the millions of others in our situation. I will never stop saying how absolutely wonderful this book is and why absolutely everyone should read it at least once in their life. This book made me feel understood.
Reader Reactions to Kathleen Glasgow’s How to Make Friends with the Dark
Too many times I thought to stop reading but I pushed myself to be patient. Because I know really well how to lose someone and suffer from deepest and never ever ending pain! It never goes away because when you lose someone you lose some parts of yourselves and you turn into a different person. So Grace a.k.a Tiger’s tragic journey after her loosing her mother is so realistic, so sad, but also so genuine, poignant and easy to connect.
Grief is a very hard thing to put on to paper. I mean having someone you love die is one of the hardest things any human will ever have to face. I have been fortunate to only face it once. Even so, I know how painful it can be. I could relate to Tiger's pain. I know the feeling of not knowing what to do, what to say or who to turn to.
It reminded me of when I was grieving for my furbabies Tasha and Lilly, my bird Woody, Grandma, and Pop Pop. I kept thinking I was feeling this . . . I experienced that! She gets it!
In the simplest words, this book made me feel less alone in my grief. It made me feel like I wasn’t just the stranger looking in a window, it made me feel like there are people out there who feel the same way as me and that it is perfectly normal to do so.
I literally just finished reading How to Make Friends With the Dark today and I loved it so much. I can literally not even describe how much I love it and how much certain parts meant everything to me. Recently, I have had some major things happen in my life and some major changes and I feel like in a way this book has helped me so much to have a place to go during these changes that is sympathetic and gets some of what I am experiencing.
Reader Reactions to Kathleen Glasgow’s You’d Be Home Now
Wow - I'm honestly speechless. Just finished this book and put it down. I cried. This was breathtaking, raw, accurate and heartbreaking all at once. I can relate to the story in many ways, so it hit me harder. This accurately depicts someone who loves someone that deals with addiction. It also accurately depicts high school and navigating through life as a teenager trying to figure out who you truly are and find your voice. This book will forever touch me.
Addiction is a subject that a lot of people think they know about, but usually they don't . . . at least not enough to write a book. You can't just read up on it. You have to LIVE it. Turns out Kathleen Glasgow does live it - she has been sober for 13 years. I have about ten, from everything, but some days it feels like the very beginning. This book made me feel not so alone, and I will forever be grateful for that feeling.
This book deserves the world. Emmy is relatable, in that she feels invisible like so many of us do.
Maybe this book is so impactful for me because I relate so heavily to the storyline. Maybe it is because I see myself so vibrantly in so many different characters. But at the same time, I don't think it matters. This is a poignant, personal, and relevent story for anyone who has ever dealt with addiction or the fallout of one.
Kathleen makes you feel seen without knowing you or your story.