9 Books with Hilarious Titles

Every now and then a book comes along with a title that’s. . . different.

Instead of something simplistic that best sums up the content for readers, the author instead chooses to veer off the beaten path with something humorous. Below we’ve listed some of our favorite examples. Have a look!

My Ideal Boyfriend is a Croissant by Laura Dockrill

Who needs love when you have food?

My Ideal Boyfriend Is a Croissant

My Ideal Boyfriend Is a Croissant

This honest, laugh-out-loud novel brimming with body positivity, bite-sized nuggets of feminism, and commentary on eating will have readers rooting for sixteen-year-old BB as she navigates her world while maintaining her plucky zest for life even in the most trying of times.

It's a food diary. I have to tell the truth. That's the p...

How to Defend Yourself Against Alien Abduction by Ann Druffel

Who wouldn’t want to check out a book with this title?! We need to find out what the author is talking about so we can best formulate our defense plans!

How to Defend Yourself Against Alien Abduction

How to Defend Yourself Against Alien Abduction

“A very powerful book . . . Druffel’s research does us all a great service.”—Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut and author of The Way of the Explorer
In 1988 Ann Druffel, who has researched UFOs for forty years, discovered a little-known fact that had been drowned in abduct...

The Manly Art of Knitting by Dave Fougner

Knitting has been around for centuries and has been unfairly designated a women’s activity. Ew. There’s a lot of enjoyment to be found in it for everyone, and Dave Fougner has set out to break down stereotypes and show just how universal knitting really is. Break out those needles, peeps!


Summer with the Leprechauns: A True Story by Tanis Helliwell

Wait, what? This is a true story? We’re ready to search for that pot of gold.


Outwitting Squirrels: 101 Cunning Stratagems to Reduce Dramatically the Egregious Misappropriation of Seed from Your Birdfeeder by Squirrels by Bill Adler

Those pesky squirrels have been snatching food from our birdfeeders forever, but now, finally, we have a way to fight back! The cover art for this book, featuring a squirrel with a top hat and evil mustache, is also perfectly hilarious.


All My Friends Are Dead by Avery Monsen

This dark comedy is everything you could want it to be. The title paired with the cover image of a green dinosaur with an oh-my-god stare is iconic and hysterical.


How to Raise Your I.Q. by Eating Gifted Children by Lewis Frumkes

Well, this title is certainly unique! Mr. Frumkes has a different way of trying to pique a potential reader’s curiosity.


Go the F*** to Sleep by Adam Mansbach

This bedtime story for adults is perfect in every possible way. We also can’t get enough of Samuel L. Jackson’s reading of it.


Everything I Know About Women I Learned from My Tractor by Roger Welsch

Hmm, that’s certainly a title we haven’t heard before. Sounds like a hit country song in the making!


What book do you think has the funniest title? Let us know in the comments!

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