Author Gift Guide: 6 Gifts Inspired by And I Darken by Kiersten White

We know all you really want for the holidays this year is some new books, but in case you’re interested in branching out, we asked some of our favorite authors to create gift guides based on their books and characters!

Kiersten White picked out this list of gifts based on her epic And I Darken series. These books might be dark and epic, but this list will leave you full of holiday cheer.

 I love Christmas. I love spending time finding just the right gift for every person: my kids, my husband, my siblings. Fortunately, I don’t have a sister like Lada. If I did, I’d probably do a lot more shopping for weapons.

However, if you want a very And I Darken holiday season, here are some nifty ideas to keep the spirit of the Dracul siblings in your heart all year long!



What gift will you get the And I Darken lover in your life? Tag us @GetUnderlined!

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