Author Gift Guide: 6 Gifts Inspired by Little Monsters by Kara Thomas

We know all you really want for the holidays this year is some new books, but in case you’re interested in branching out, we asked some of our favorite authors to create gift guides based on their books and characters!

Kara Thomas picked out this list of gifts based on her newest psychological thriller Little Monsters. You might not be able to trust the characters in this twisty novel, but you can trust us that this list will spread some holiday cheer!

Hi, I’m Kara Thomas, author of Little Monsters, and I have to confess that I’m the most boring person to shop for.

All I want for the holidays is books! And I want to pick them out myself. My characters are much more exciting than I am—especially the twisted girls in Little Monsters—so here are some gifts inspired by Kacey and her friends.

Which gift will you get for the Little Monsters lover in your life? Tag us @GetUnderlined!

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