5 Cold Weather Problems Any Booklover Can Relate To

Cold weather is here, which means cold weather woes! While there are plenty of things to love about the winter season (a fresh new year, snow, scarves, big fuzzy coats), this dark and frozen time of year can often be a drag for booklovers. Here are five cold weather problems all book nerds can relate to…

1. Everyone is getting sick, so you can’t book swap like you usually do.

Germs are everywhere. Cold and flu viruses are everywhere. In the warmer months, you happily shared your favorite books with your best friends and family members without a second thought. Now you may want to wait until everyone is done feeling incredibly ill. At least wipe the covers down with disinfectant first!

2. Reading outside is no longer a pleasure (or an option).

Who doesn’t love a warm, sunny day spent laying out on a grassy knoll or in a hammock, getting lost in a favorite book? With winter upon us, that’s really not an option! And trying to read while bundled up in a big coat, fumbling for a new page with gloves on? Forget it. Time to take this habit inside for the season.

3. New Year’s Resolutions can be overwhelming.

New Year, New You! Ahh, the pressure! Finding the time to get a few chapters in can be absolutely overwhelming this time of year when everyone is trying to hit the gym and be their best selves. After the craziness of the holidays, you might have more time to cozy up with your latest book, but you’re likely to be worn out and not paying as close attention as you could be.

4. Family time can make reading almost impossible.

While it’s wonderful to spend quality time with family, interacting with all your aunts, uncles, and cousins who have a million questions for you about how school’s going, what you’re involved in, and what you’re interested in doing in the future can be downright draining. Even the most extroverted among us need time to recharge with a good book, but a holiday party or family meetup is definitely not the time.

5. You swear your teachers are throwing every possible test, quiz, and essay at you all at once!

Unlike the beginning of the school year when things felt crisp and new and totally manageable, winter is the beginning of crunch time, and the piles of homework and assignments can feel absolutely never-ending. Things won’t settle down again until the warmer months when students and teachers alike are feeling that summer vacation fever. So for now, reading for fun is something you have to squeeze into your busy schedule.

Things are tough for booklovers in the cold weather months. But one bright side of winter for readers? Snow days! And since everyone is getting sick, being under the weather is the perfect excuse to relax, curl up, and get lost in your favorite stories by a cozy fireplace in your favorite sweatshirt. No matter the weather, booklovers WILL find time to read!

Need to warm up?

Escape from the cold with these YA novels!

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